PEOPLE Paul Warmerdam FUENTE was founded in 1992 by today’s CEO Paul Warmerdam, an enthusiastic top professional with decades of very diverse experience in hair care gathered in management functions at various multinationals. His FUENTE idea was born during a trip to Spain, on the banks of Laguna de Fuente de Piedra. At that time he had already been dreaming for some time of his own, unique hair care line and here in that lush aquatic landscape his dream took on an ever clearer shape. Splendidly glittering lakes, elegantly strutting flamingos and exotically aromatic plant varieties inspired him to come up with a concept that was totally unique in the early 90s: a hair care line on a purely natural and organic basis with a strong wellness component and a luxury image. The essence of Warmerdam’s dream was crystal-clear: everything that makes nature in its purest form so breathtakingly beautiful simply had to be an aspect of FUENTE too. Not merely the product itself, but also the presentation and the packaging had to reflect the same exclusive quality of FUENTE. There had to be hair colorings, shampoos, hair styling products and a lot more besides… And Paul Warmerdam made his dream come true. FUENTE is a chic brand, exclusive and pampering, created for people with a heart for nature. FUENTE offers them comfort and the ultimate in luxury. Pagina 18
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