GENERAL MASSAGING INFORMATION Personal attention, care and relaxation are fundamental to the Fuente concept. Massaging plays a major role in this. A client can ‘surrender’ to a hairdresser if the head massage is performed well and professionally. Most clients find a head massage extremely enjoyable. It enables the hairdresser to gain the clients trust which will make him or her more amenable to good advice. The Fuente short head massage consists of the following techniques derived from the long washing massage: - Zig-zag technique - Smooth in - Open finger technique - Smooth in - Knuckle technique - Smooth in - Temple massage - Neck massage The Fuente head massage has the following functions: - Stimulates blood circulation - Improves product penetration - Relaxing - Therapeutic effect - Preparation for a treatment Tips - Carry out the massage in quiet surroundings. This will be a problem in many salons, though you can create a quiet effect by not talking to colleagues and the client during the massage. - Ensure that the client’s head is positioned comfortably in the wash basin. - A rubber ring can ensure that the edge of the wash basin feels comfortable against the client’s neck. - quiet music creates a relaxing atmosphere. - Concentrate your attention on the massage techniques as the client will notice immediately if you become distracted. - Do not talk to the client after the massage until they themselves start to talk again. - Never ask whether the client enjoyed the massage. If a head massage has been carried out properly, the client will say so. Pagina 37
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